Our Mission on this site is to educate Real Estate Agents on how to sell more homes.

Post Settlement Strategies To Win In 2024

  • Post Settlement Strategies To Win In 2024

    Right Now People's View Has Been Shattered After The News Of The Settlement. It Is Your Job To Reframe That View With The Facts

The NAR Settlement Matrix Part 1: How To Win In This New Game!

  • The NAR Settlement Matrix Part 1: How To Win In This New Game!

    Right Now Everyone Wants An Expert, Someone They Can Trust, and Someone Who Can Guide Them Through The Chaos.

Dominating In A Player Vs Player Business

  • Dominating In A Player Vs Player Business

    You May Not Want To Get It Done But Your Competition Does.

Mastering Your Time: The Million Dollar Schedule

  • Mastering Your Time: The Million Dollar Schedule

    You Will Never Get To Where You Want Until You Learn To Master Your Time

Say, Do, Think: Becoming A Multi-Million Dollar Agent

  • Say, Do, Think: Becoming A Multi-Million Dollar Agent

    Everyone Has 1440 Minutes A Day: How Do You Execute Your Time?

The 8 Laws Of Influence

  • The 8 Laws Of Influence

    Influence Is The Art Of Persuading Someone To Take Action.